Wednesday 9 February 2011

The European Union

   After 1945, in economy and political institutions., because the people want to establish a lasting peace in front of the enemy and, duration of war was determined to end the war and Europe's international competition, the people hoped the unified Europe's ideal. in 1945 and in 1950, entered new times. The western benefit's country and the people share together, this according to treaty establishment maintenance government by law peace between and so on countries. In rule 1950s Britain did not hope joins EEC.If one “core Europe” the idea is not possibly a solution.
   But a year later, because will lack the progress to cause this organization's Prime Minister Maikemilan to request to join the Europe Economical Community .France did not hope that Britain to join the European Union, because it believed that they are pair of US interest weapons. In the certain extent said that it may also think De Gaulle saw not eagerly France is challenging Europe's leadership. The referendum is in the popular vote voter, entire is requested either total acceptance or rejection specific proposal. It is one pure democracy form. .
   Agencies involved in a race where the EU is the European Parliament, the Committee of Ministers, the European Community, the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice in Justice.But only directly elected body of this authority in the EU is the European Parliament.Eurosceptic critics argue that the UK economy soverrignty and is independent of the development on the other hand by the EU and want the right to repatriate the country's return to Britain from the EU, the European Union economic and political integration to create a globalized world allows supporters hope. Then consider joining the European Union good for the majority of Britains, they want to stay in the EU and believe that British people are not providing too information.

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