Monday 20 June 2011

Soical Class

Last week , teacher give us to look one video.  This video talk about dramatic team arranged 4 weeks to change  one upper class girl join to posh class. The girl who calle Lise and she come from Yorkshire. Before that, Lisa need to spent 4weeks to learn how to speak, how to choice  appropriate clothing, how to use elegant body language,and so on. When she go to final test, we can find , She can be a good use of learned to depict an elegant woman,although she has few mistakes in some sides. However,  in Britain there are working class, middle class and upper class. some important reason lead to these class can't real integration in one class.

POSH short by Port out, starboard home. It means Elegant, swanky, rich. The true origin of 'posh' is uncertain. The term was used from the 1890s onward to mean a dandy. George and Weedon Grossmith's The Diary of a Nobody, which began publication in serial form in the English satirical magazine Punch in 1888, has a character called Murray Posh, who is described as 'a swell'. The book is a satire of the times and most of the character's names are intended to match aspects of their personality, so it is quite probable that the Grossmiths used the name Posh with the meaning we currently know. The said Murray certainly looks posh enough.
Martin, G(2010) 'POSH - Port out, starboard home' .
Available at:
(Accessed at: 20 June 2011).

Answer for shik questions.

Hello, my friend Shik. Thanks for you Questions. I looked the video and find the answer.

Homeoffice want striking a balance to allow genuine students at genuine institutions, including some of the world class universities, to continue to come here, but at the same time cracking down on what’s been one of the biggest abuses in the immigration system. Far too many people have been allowed to use the student visa as a way to come to Britain to work.
So they estimate is that the changes announced will reduce the actual numbers of student visas by something around a hundred thousand visas over the next few years, but all of that will be concentrated on abuse.
Homeoffice aim to reduce net migration from the hundreds of thousands, back down to the tens of thousands.
Student who want study in UK should be able to speak English, to support themselves financially without taking paid employment, and to show they are coming for study, not for work .UK student visa system toughen up the entry requirements:
First,  students need to demonstrate that they have the financial means to fend for themselves.
Second, students from low risk countries and prioritise resources on high-risk students.
Third, they toughen up the rules on English language competence. Those coming to study at degree level will have to speak English at an upper intermediate level. And UKBA officers will be given the discretion to refuse entry to students who can't speak English without an interpreter and who do not meet the required minimum standards.

Referene: Homeoffice (2011) UK student visa system.
(Access at: 11th April ).
Homeoffice (2011) Statement on foreign student visas.

Media (Newspaper)

Tuesday May 10th, 2011, teacher told us the homework is read British newspaper. After class, I bought a newspaper. The name of newspaper is The Guardian. The Headlines in this paper is “Barack Obama in Ireland”. The news is talk about :
Barack Obama kicked off a six-day European trip today in Ireland, drinking a Guinness in his Irish ancestor's home village and gave a memorable speech in Dublin. The village has been decked out with US flags ahead of Obama's arrival – make him feel at home, etc – and he will reportedly meet some of his distant relatives during his stay. First Lady Michelle Obama has made the trip too, and tonight the pair will return to Dublin, where Obama will deliver his set-piece speech in front of a crowd of 25,000 people in College Green. Tomorrow, Obama's six-day European jaunt continues with visits to England, France and Poland, but today all the talk is of his presence in the Emerald Isle.

In China, it also has many difference kinds of newspaper. Especially, any nation has own newspaper. However, the news in some newspaper are same.
Adam ,G. Simon,J.and Richard,A. (2011) “Barack Obama in Ireland”, The Guardian, 10 May, p.3.

Crime & Punishment.

China is in the grip of one of its periodic "Strike Hard" campaigns, the official slogan for an attempt to curb rapidly rising crime through the extra- enthusiastic use of capital punishment.

In the past month, over 500 executions have been announced by the official media, two or three times as many as usual. The authorities, however, do not make public every case, probably because to do so would mean excessively gloomy reading.

China is the existence of the death penalty. This is a very controversial system. The death penalty is the world's oldest penalty. Today, most countries have abolished the death penalty, but including China, Singapore, Japan and the United States remains in some countries, including the death penalty system. .

In British,if people have very important crime, the most severe punishment would be life imprisonment (life imprisonment). However, in China the court will be given the death penalty people.Earlier, the Chinese government announced that from January this year, will be sentenced to death by a significantly reduced 55 68 and 13 non-violent economic crimes will not be sentenced to death. This change once again the outside world attention to China's death penalty system.

Reference: BBC(2011)  Criminal Law in China from 13 kinds of abolition of death penalty crimes.
Available at:
(Access at :25th Feb 2011)